Our Green Mission
Going Green
Environmental responsibility has been part of our business from the design of our facility to the addition of 168 solar panels on site. Our modern and elegant funeral home was constructed utilizing energy efficient technologies and was designed to reduce energy consumption.
It’s Mansfield Funeral Home’s pride to be the only 100% solar powered funeral provider in Dallas Fort Worth, or even the nation. We produce enough energy to sustain us during our peak usage and provide energy back to the power grid when usage is low.
We are also pleased to be part of the Living Memorial Program™. For each family we serve, we arrange for a tree seedling to be planted in a national forest or woodland as a living tribute and memorial to your loved one. More than just a majestic memorial, these trees shelter wildlife, reduce water and wind erosion and contribute to the purity of the air we breathe, helping improve the environment for generations to come.
It is our goal to leave this world a better place to those we leave behind.